I am a statistician working in the pharmaceutical industry. Interests include Bayesian statistics, graphics, modelling, prediction particularly in the clinical realm.
MSc in Medical Statistics, 2004
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
R Shiny application examples and reproducible analyses using R Markdown to bring data to life. Click on the blue menu ‘R Shiny’ button to see the Shiny apps. The ‘Other’ option displays all non-R shiny analyses. Explore the Git repository for more…
The gamma Poisson PMF
Mixed model analysis of technical replicates
Gamma Poisson
Using flexdashboard to solve a puzzle
Using the exponential distribution
Semiparametric and parametric time to event modelling
Interactive Reporting
Investigating transformations and fitting linear models
Investigating transformations and fitting linear models
Investigating adjusting for covariates in parallel RCTs when the response is binary
Investigating adjusting for covariates in RCTs when the response is continuous
Plotting longitudinal data and estimating means with the help of a natural log transformation revisited
Estimating treatment effects with a longitudinal RCT
Calculating limits of detection for qPCR assays
Inference about a population variance
Differential treatment effects
The proportional odds model
Bayesian bootstrapping
Bayesian test of proportions
Visualizing probability density functions commonly used for Bayesian logistic regression
Random variation (‘the magic had of chance’) is very likely to lead to observing responders and non responders in a …
Power simulation for one way analysis of variance
More informative presentation of diagnostic test data
Boxplots can hide a lot of information
Nothing more, nothing less
Simulating allows us to play God. With divine insight we know the true data generating mechanism.
Why analyse variances (ANOVA) when interest is in differences in population means?
Getting to grips with power
The analysis of an RCT based on a continuous endpoint that is log-normal distributed
Using R we explore the ‘FDA PBE Statistical Analysis Procedure Used in Bioequivalence Determination of Budesonide’
Simulating balanced or unbalanced nested study design, plotting and a variance components analysis
Investigating a crossover trial, a longitudinal study in which subjects receive a sequence of different treatments
Sample size/power for an RCT based on a continuous biomarker endpoint that is log-normal distributed